So I finally did arrive in Goiânia.
It was a long way to get here, but I made it. And Sao Paulo International airport now officially is the most boring airport in the whole wide world. I mean, seriously. The Goiânian airport on the other hand is just very small. It reminded me a little bit of the airport in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Just one little house, two belts and a walking way where you walk from the plane to the baggage claim, all across the airport.
I was really tired, so I really didnt see much of what was going on. I was picked up by Georgia, the girl who organizes my relocation, and Ismael, a guy that comes from Goiânia and that also helps me around and shows me everything.I went to the hotel and slept.
The next day I met Ismael and Georgia and we did a city tour for the whole day. They showed me all the different areas and places and we stopped for coffee and had a long chat in the sun. It was really nice. The city reminds me a bit of cuba's and mexico's little cities that I have seen. A little run down on one hand, on the other kinda charming. It is very green but then again, the buildings are sooooo grey. I dunno. It is safe and seems nice, and I think I could live here. Its a big step away from europe though. In many ways. The streets arent as cosy nice and pretty as what I had in madrid, but the living conditions in a condo with pool and everything are above all standards I could ever afford in Europe. A little weird, that feeling.
We had lunch at a place that serves local food and it was very very yummy and a lot! Food, I think, is really important in this town... They have so many little restaurants and at night they all go to the burger places...
We also went to the mall to get me a brazilian sim card and to see whats going on there... basically, we just had a very nice, relaxed day of walkind and driving around, seeing things and talking about everything... They are really two very nice people.
Also, we went to this one place where they have nearly 60 different sorts of fruit icecream. I tried one, but I was still full from lunch...
There isnt really much more to say, except that I had a great day but am tired from the wierd heat/humidity and that tomorrow we will go house hunting. That is really a very exciting part, as the flats I am going to look at are going to be really nice and big and with a pool for the condo!!!
Crazy, crazy, so much luxury! Tomorrow then I will also take pictures... I didnt today, I kinda forgot...
Well, as you can see from my post, I am really tired... I look over it and its a little all over the place... Ah well, maybe tomorrow I know more things to say... :)
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