TGIF - Thank God Its Friday
It is Friday. Finally. Actually, the week passed super fast, but Friday is always good. Cause it's Friday. As simple as that. ;)
I have no plans for tonight although I wanted to go to a concert of a colleague originally. But then, in the end, noone ended up going and going alone? Nah, not really. Thats the downside to living in a big city one does not yet know very well. But it will come with time, I guess.
On the other hand, I was not going to go out for too late anyways, because my long awaited couch will finally arrive tomorrow and as they cannot really give me a time frame that helps ("We will arrive between 8h and 18h... plus / minus 30 minutes") so will have to be awake and ready at 8h because my appartment still has no interphone so the doorman can call me and I won't wake up from a simple knock on the door (at least not as far as I know me... ;)
Another great thing today was that my boss approved my holidays, thus I can travel somewhere down south with Alessa (who landed in Sao Paulo today and will be travelling around for 4 weeks) and then in October I will go to Buenos Aires to visit Ale and to see the city I always always always wanted to live in. Maybe one day I still will. And its all thanks to Anna who moved there when we were still in Kindergarten. Her stories when visiting Germany in the summer apparently were enough to make me wanna go. Oh well and it helped of course that Ale told me about it, Marisa did, Carlos (Schmitz, that would be) said he loved it and my former boss moved back there twice and would go again as soon as he had an offer... Buenos Aires must be amazing.
Oh and guess what? No, that is not all! I will go to Santiago de Chile next week. A night in Sao Paulo on Friday and then Saturday morning to Monday Night in Santiago. City Tour with Carlos (Mendoza, this time) and his wife Consuelo, skiing in El Colorado and a Wine Tasting Tour at Concha y Tore :)
Yepp yepp yepp, amazing plans... And I am soooo excited. So who cares about a friday night at home when you have those trips coming up?! Thats right, I don't.
Last but not least I tried to buy a Blackberry Phone, cause there is an amazing promotion going on these days that would basically offer me "unlimited data" (VOIP here I come, skype on the go all day long and thus being able to communicate with my family and friends throughout the week cause they wont be sleeping when I come home from the office) and "unlimited" phone and messages (well, it would be 1000 minutes and 1000 messages per month, which for someone like me, hating the phone like nothing else, is basically unlimited). And as if that was not enough there is a 300 Reais Rebate too (which is totally necessary cause electronics just seem to be insanely expensive in Brazil when you grew up in Europe).
Unfortunately, Blackberrys are sold out every-f*in-where in this city and thus I was not able to get one. But I will keep trying and send all you busy business friends of mine my BB Pin soon, so we can message for free and be cool, and to all those normal people outthere: This means I can have Skype turned on all day and thus be reacheable through my German Skype-in Number :) :)
Yes, it sounds really good :) But: I need to get the opportunity to buy one first. Of all things, I did not think this would be an obstacle...
So, thats enough news for today.
Except maybe: I finally saw the movie "Das Weisse Rauschen". Now, to be honest, I am not a big fan of those Dogma 95 style movies because the movement really makes me motion sick, but here it was just really really helping the story and Daniel Brühl was really really good. If you havent seen it yet, you should.
Beijos and good night!
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