I have always loved TV. Already as a small child I used to watch Disney Cartoons (preferably Donald Duck) with my Dad, and who thinks saying that 1-and-a-half-year-old Anna really wanted to watch it was just my Dad's excuse to watch his favourite TV shows is wrong: Colors and moving pictures attract me. I adore movies, I would like to go to the cinema at least once a week (if there were enough good movies showing here... Brazil only shows blockbusters) and I like to watch TV series on a lazy afternoon as long as its not too hard to follow them without seeing every episode. Here in Brazil its easy and so much fun, as Cable TV is not only affordable but movies and series are shown in the original with subtitles and there is really a channel for everyone, so WB Channel shows all his series, Universal all it's own, and so does Sony. You can choose whatever you like according to your humor or likings without depending on the stations to chose for you what is worth to be dubbed and what isn't. They are funnier this way, and way easier on the eye and ear.
In Germany on the other hand, a lazy sunday on the couch with the TV on is hell(since I am not that much interested in Disney and other kids series anymore). First of all, many many good series and shows just never make it onto German Television (Dexter, Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock, Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Conan, etc.) and the few good ones that are dubbed to death (Friends for example: the mouth movements never fit, all voices are annoying as Janice's, the jokes are badly translated or completely lost,...) or show (still badly, yet not as horrendously dubbed) at stupid hours (Seinfeld, Prisonbreak, ...)
But really, what annoys me most of all is the dubbing. A TV show loses so much of its momentum and fun by dubbing it. The price for the dubbing is pretty high, so for series that might not make it to the top as they aren't understood by everyone's humor (Big Bang Theory) it is apparently not worth it so they aren't showing at all. It also takes a lot of time. While House runs in the 2nd next season in the USA, they restart from the beginning in Germany to bridge the gap until the next season is translated and recorded. Same for movies, by the way.
I mean, we live in a globalized world. English is absolutely mandatory for everyone in the working world and I would say that for people younger than 50 the series in English would not be a problem as our school English is good enough to actually listen and the few lost jokes would get lost in translation anyways. Reading along the subtitles would be totally fine to know exactly whats going on, and lets face it: listening and reading the translation does help one's English a lot and is thus only helpful (best example: the Netherlands never dub, and thanks to good school english like the German's it gives them a little extra in terms of vocabulary and accent). For the people that do not speak english, subtitles would still be okay I think, as I can see here in Brazil that even people that do not speak a word of english get along well with subtitles. They have no learning effect, sadly, but still the movies and series are understood, as much fun, and out at the same time as in the USA.
Seriously, we should stop dubbing and stop importing only the mass-compatible crap. Really.
And here the promised hint for someone: "No, I don't want you to buy me journey... I circle journey! It's a metaphor, Daddy!"
Tentang Merelakan
vor 6 Jahren
This is so damn true! Germans are amongst the worst english speakers in the world and that's a shame...
AntwortenLöschenWhoever you are, I wouldn't necessarily agree. Yes, a lot of Germany have a real crappy accent, yet most of them speak it and when I think back of my English Class in grades 12 and 13 there were many excellent speakers. Compared to other countries I have lived in, like Brazil or Spain they are way better.
AntwortenLöschenThen again, it could always be improved, and not dubbing movies and TV series would help imho...